
Effective CVs

A well written CV is important; it can mean getting the interview to that dream job you've just applied for, or being passed over without even so much as a second glance from the employer.

Therefore, your CV has to be as good as you can make it!

Before you start

  • Sit down with a piece of paper and look at the job(s) that you are applying for

  • Consider how your skills, education, and experience compare with the skills that the job requires

  • How much information do you have on the job description?

  • Sometimes employers do not give enough information so ask for more details if needed

  • Research the job(s) and information about the employer – their structure, products, successes


  • A CV needs to be concise, easy to read and ideally 3 pages

  • It has to be up-to-date with months and years of employment; roles, responsibilities and accomplishments

  • Try and focus on achievements rather than responsibilities

  • Avoid fancy fonts, templates, colors or borders

  • Use bullet points where possible

  • Highlight your qualifications and skills; i.e. language or computer skills

  • And finally, don’t forget to SPELL and GRAMMAR Check!